The new blog is work-related and can be found at http://blogs.sun.com/humancloud/. It's about the confluence of people and cloud computing.
Check it out and subscribe to the feed.
Ynema Mangum
Y gets some recommendations.
Check out Y's technology conversations.
Y is on the FG2 social media advisory board.
- Interactive Austin 2008: Panelist "The Role of Metrics in Driving Interactive Performance"
- Interview: Marketing Monger / Jenerous Interview with Eric Mattson
- Audio Conference: Corporate Blog Revolution: Insiders Reveal Blogging Best Practices- Speaker at the Houston Business Wire Wire-Side Chat on the topic "The Road to Web 3.0" and "The Changing Face of Influence in the Digital Age" with David Almacy, Vice President of the Digital Strategies Group at Waggener Edstrom
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